Friday, January 24, 2020

charhf jimhf Character of Jim :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Huckleberry Finn - Jim The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the best-loved novels in American literature. Due to its widespread popularity, critiques and analyses of the work abound, especially of Huck and his development. But in all the analyses of Huck, scholars and students alike have neglected to give rightful place to one of the most important protagonists in American literature--Jim. Without Jim's provision for Huck, Huck's spiritual journey would have failed. In Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Jim plays the role of a father to Huck by providing for his physical, emotional, and moral well-being. Jim plays the role of the father by providing for Huck's physical well-being. He first provides food and shelter for the runaway boy. Jim is continually catching fish and fixing meals for Huck. He takes it upon himself to build "a snug wigwam [on the raft] to get under in blazing weather and rainy" (48). In contrast, when Huck is at his father's cabin, he has to stop up the holes "to keep the wind from blowing through the chinks and putting the candle out" (18-19). Jim also provides advice for Huck. From the very beginning of the novel when he sees his father's boot prints, Huck establishes a precedent of going to Jim for advice. Despite the slave's fearful superstitions, his advice is mostly sound, as seen when he advises against boarding the Walter Scott. Lastly, Jim provides for Huck's physical well-being by providing protection for him. He passively protects Huck from the different people in society by having the raft ready to escape back to the protection of the rive r. Also, Jim actively protects Huck by lying to the King and Duke for him after they catch up with him on the river and threaten him. While Huck had no one to protect him before, now he has Jim to stand up for him against people that are like Pap, as a father should. Although Jim's ability to protect him is limited because of his status as a black slave, he protects him as best he can. Jim also plays the role of the father by providing for Huck's emotional well-being. He provides physical affection for the boy.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Uk Smoking Problem Health And Social Care Essay

The purpose of this authorship is to critically measure and compare and contrast the research schemes, designs and methods, every bit good as their importance used in MILCH, E. Catherine et Al ( 2004 ) . Smoking surcease in primary attention: a clinical effectivity test of two simple intercessions published in Preventive Medicine Vol. 38, pp. 284 – 294 and COLEMAN Tim, CHEATER Francine and MURPHY Elizabeth ( 2004 ) . Qualitative survey look intoing the procedure of giving anti-smoking advice in general pattern published in Patient Education and Counseling, Vol. 52, pp. 159 – 163. At the really beginning of this piece, it should be made clear, that chief focal point is to measure research methodological analysiss and methods applied in this two diary articles, along with their rightness for turn toing the chosen research inquiries. Additionally, attending will be paid to motivation literature and issues of sampling, dependability and cogency. First, a sum-up of the findings of this paper will be provided. Then, the research design of each diary article will be discussed in bend. Finally, decisions will be drawn in order to fulfill the purposes of this paper.ContextThrough the universe smoke presents a public wellness job. In UK, every bit good as in USA smoke is one of the prima causes of decease [ 1 ] and is responsible for highly high wellness attention costs. Although, in both states there are legion anti-smoking bubblies, in USA about one-fourth of grownup Americans smoke [ 2 ] and in UK about the same per centum of grownups declares themselves as tobacco users [ 3 ] . Coleman et al. , every bit good as Milch et Al. suggest that around 70 % of tobacco users see their general practician ( GP ) at least one time a twelvemonth. Numerous surveies ( Ockene 1987, Glynn 1988, Manley, Epps and Glynn 1992 and Silagy and Ketteridge 1999 ) show that tobacco users perceive practicians ‘ advice to discontinue as strong motiv e for surcease. Both surveies stress that, unluckily GP frequently fail to supply their patients with surcease advice either to avoid confrontation with patients or they do non possess a scope of accomplishments for tobacco user surcease guidance. For this grounds Coleman, Cheater and Murphy wrote this paper researching procedure of giving anti-smoking advices in general pattern, one of a few which they based on same informations. Recognizing the importance of systematic protocols for designation of patients who smoke, Milch et al. put up clinical effectivity test to measure effectivity of two simple intercessions ( critical mark cast and smoke appraisal questionnaire ) on smoking surcease in primary attention. Your overall feeling? ? ? ? ? ?SummaryImportance The paper aˆzQualitative survey look intoing the procedure of giving anti-smoking advice in general pattern † posits an interesting connexion between ( 1 ) GP ; ( 2 ) their repertory of techniques for covering with tobacco users who were non motivated to halt and ( 3 ) factors that influence the procedure of giving anti-smoking advices. Previous survey conducted by same writers aˆz Factors act uponing treatment about anti smoke between general practicians and patients who smoke: a qualitative survey † British Journal of General Practitioners 2000 ; Vol. 50, pp. 207 – 210 suggests that GPs normally expect negative reaction from patients to whom they give anti smoke advice. Furthermore, GPs perceive relationship between physician and patient as hapless. For all this grounds, they were less likely to speak about smoke with patients and they carefully choose with which patients to discourse it. The paper aims to derive insight into GP behavior in relation to an ti-smoking guidance and concept hypothesis and recommendations how this procedure could be improved in future. This was at the clip of great importance as new smoking surcease services were adopted in UK that proposed preparation of wellness professionals in anti smoke methods. Therefore, efficient preparation class for GPs should include findings from current clinical pattern. Though, important for lending to GPs pattern, it must be mentioned that old documents of this writers based on the same information and covering with really similar inquiries compromise the originality of this piece of composing. Additionally, figure of premises that sparked off this paper is based on informations produced by the same group of writers which might propose that research worker prejudice exists to some extent. It is ever utile to include other research documents cut downing research worker prejudice KEY FINDINGS This paper is of import because it makes a part to knowledge how GP get down anti smoke treatment, what is content of their messages and what attack GP adopt. Coleman, Cheater and Murphy suggest that GPs take great care how to raise inquiry of smoking. Two ways are predominating ; about half of the GPs interviewed say that they use several different methods to get down conversation and observe patients reaction and other half utilize `humour or â€Å" low key † attacks to bring on the subject in a non-threatening manner` Coleman, Cheater and Murphy ( 2004, p. 161 ) . Additionally, general practicians admitted that they lack equal methods and accomplishments for measuring smokers` motive to discontinue. Body linguistic communication, position and oculus contact were one of really of import motive indexs. If patients stated that they are in the center of quitting or are â€Å" cutting down † on coffin nails they were considered as motivated. The one weakness to halt, desp ite several negotiations with GPs, was considered as unmotivated. Once successfully originating the conversation, general practicians focused on conveying the message about wellness and economic benefits of halting smoke, every bit good as raising consciousness about smoke and contradictory wellness status i.e. high blood pressure or contradictory intervention i.e. preventive pill. More or less three quarters of general practicians said that they prefer utilizing non-confrontational attacks, which they described as â€Å" non-didactic † , â€Å" subdued † , â€Å" encouraging † , over confrontational, â€Å" acquiring across † and â€Å" shouting † attacks. Despite their penchant, around half of GPs admit that they use confrontational attack. Small figure even admitted awful patients ; particularly those who suffer smoking caused unwellnesss. Result Results of this research suggest that general practicians need broader spectrum of schemes and methods for giving anti smoke advices. In add-on to this, two new field of survey demand to be farther explored: usage of confrontation and terrorization as driver for behavior alteration and ways of measuring patients ‘ motive by GPs. Lack of GPs` competencies and methods for giving anti smoke advices suggests that paper has deductions for NHS smoking surcease services, Department of Health in UK in 2004, the twelvemonth it was published. Motivation The motive of writers is clear. Recognizing how important are general practicians in smoking surcease procedure they set out to detect to what extent are GPs are skilled and how developed are their methods for giving anti smoke advices. At the clip being this issue vas really modern-day, as UK authorities proposed preparation in smoking surcease methods and to cognize from where betterments should get down finding current clinical pattern was important. Importance Paper `Smoking surcease in primary attention: a clinical effectivity test of two simple interventions` nowadayss relationship between ( 1 ) critical mark cast, ( 2 ) smoke appraisal questionnaire ( SAQ ) and ( 3 ) their consequence on smoking surcease. As antecedently mentioned, clinicians frequently are unsuccessful in accessing baccy usage or in presenting anti-smoking advices. This leads us to reason that there is demand for practical, clip and cost effectual smoke surcease intercession. Milch et Al. successfully confirm their initial hypothesis that these two uncomplicated intercessions better indentifying tobacco users and prompt anti smoke advices. Greatest strength of this survey lies in the fact that it `was designed to resemble real-world practice` Milch et Al. ( 2004, pp. 293 ) , it requires minimum preparation, no excess clinicians and recommends betterments for GPs` pattern. However, it should non be overlooked that a few initial premises are based on instead old literatu re, such as Ockene, JK. ( 1987 ) , Glynn, TJ. ( 1988 ) , etc. Collis and Hussey ( 2009 ) suggest that a danger exists when a piece is trusting on old informations, because it has small relevancy to modern pattern and that farther usage of this information can be `incidental and opportunistic` . KEY FINDINGS Key findings imply that intercessions used positively affected testing for smoke and did non hold any `dramatic consequence on clinicians supplying surcease advice` Milch et Al. ( 2004, pp. 290 ) . Both intercessions increased rated of anti smoke advices by primary attention practicians ( PCP ) 47 % on the cast group and 52 % on the SAQ group in comparing to 33 % on control group. It is interesting that smoking surcease rate was the highest on the SAQ group – 30 % , than on the cast group – 4 % and control group – 11 % . Why smoking surcease rate was higher than the stamp group rate demands farther geographic expedition. Last but non the least, high section of patients in the intercession squads stated that they reduced the figure of coffin nails, greater than before motive, assurance about halting to smoke, believing of discontinuing and consciousness of wellness hazards. Although, a few initial premises are based on old articles and the research showed that smo king surcease rate was higher in the control group than in the cast group, it must be admitted that this research has deduction to GPs pattern. Result The most important result of Milch et Al. article ( 2004 ) is the verification of hypothesis that two simple intercessions used will better designation of tobacco users and bring on smoking surcease advices. In add-on to this, this research has deduction for general practitioners` pattern as methods analysed here are unsophisticated, easy to larn, clip and cost effectual. Motivation Motivation of writers of this research is really clear. Additionally, it is similar to motive of Coleman, Cheater and Murphy`s. Both research paper reference modern-day issue at that clip – deficiency of methods for testing patients for smoke and developing methods for get downing and presenting anti smoke advices. [ 1 ] hypertext transfer protocol: // obacco2.gif [ 4 ] Ockene JK. Physician-delivered intercessions for smoking surcease ; schemes for increasing effectivity. Preventive Medicine 1987 ; 16 723 – 737 [ 5 ] Manley, MW Epps RP, Glynn TJ The clinicians function in advancing smoking surcease among clinic patients. Med Clin Nort America 1992 76 477-494 [ 6 ] Glynn, TJ Relative effectivity of doctor initiated smoking surcease plan Cancer Bulletin 1988 40 359 – 364 [ 7 ] Silagy C. Ketteridge S. physician advice for smoking surcease ( Cochrane Review ) . The Cochrane Library, Issue I Oxford: Update Software 1999 Bryman, Alan ( 2008 ) . Social Research Methods. 3rd ed. , Oxford University Press Collis, Jill and Hussey, Roger ( 2009 ) . Business Research, A Practical Guide for undergraduate and postgraduate pupils. 3rd ed. , Palgrave Macmillan

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

V. Description Des Grands Systemes Lineaires Dynamiques...

V. Description des grands systà ¨mes linà ©aires dynamiques invariants Un systà ¨me dispose d une grande dimension est tout systà ¨me qui se compose de nombreux sous-systà ¨mes et a de nombreuses entrà ©es et sorties. Ce modà ¨le a une forte dynamique de contrà ´le. La rà ©partition gà ©ographique de ce systà ¨me exige beaucoup de problà ¨mes qui sont à ©troitement lià ©s à   sa dimension. Ceci nà ©cessite, pour la commande tolà ©rante aux dà ©fauts du systà ¨me, la fiabilità © des voies de communication c est à   dire la validità © des informations qui y transitent en prà ©sence des dà ©fauts parce que des incertitudes se produisent aussi. Le comportement et les proprià ©tà ©s de l ensemble du systà ¨me ne peuvent pas à ªtre complà ¨tement dà ©crits par un modà ¨le mathà ©matique. L identification de l ensemble du systà ¨me est impossible parce que certains troubles ou signaux de commande ne sont pas connus. D autres incertitudes rà ©sultent de l agrà ©gation ou la simplification de modà ¨le qui a à ©tà © dà ©lib à ©rà ©ment effectuà ©. La disponibilità © de l information sur le comportement de l ensemble du systà ¨me et des sous-systà ¨mes est restreinte. L ampleur des informations du systà ¨me à   grande dimension à ©voque le problà ¨me de mà ©morisation de donnà ©es et par consà ©quent le problà ¨me de la capacità © du calculateur, bien qu on commence à   donner moins d importance à   ce problà ¨me avec l avà ¨nement des nouvelles technologies de calculateurs ayant de grandes capacità ©s. Le temps d exà ©cution est dà ©fini par le nombre d opà ©rations à ©là ©mentaires effectuà ©es